Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Blah blah

Hmm.. I'm ought to be writing something worthy but on the other hand I just don't have any idea what to write. No news about a good post-summer outing. Not even a very good rant about this ever sooooo boring summer break. But I did finished the first season of House M.D. I got interested with the series because everyone seems to have watched it. I think it's nice and I like the way how House manages to be very indifferent and sarcastic. Yeah right! Whatever!

I think there's one good thing that happened yesterday. Francine called, and I got to talk to a friend. She made the boring eat-sleep-watch TV-sit and stare at the ceiling-routined day better... Thanks Francine.

5:51 am, still up and no sleep. Maybe it's just the effect of drinking 3 cups of coffee in one seating... Hehe...

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